Adolescent Development and Health
Dr. Heather Sears


Students who work with me have opportunities to obtain experience with many aspects of the research process, including planning projects; collecting data using surveys, focus groups or individual interviews; entering and analyzing data; and preparing data for submission to conferences and for publication. Typically, we focus first on analyzing data and preparing submissions for presentation and publication as students often have limited experience with these activities. Then, students plan and conduct their own research project in order to develop further skills with conceptualizing a study and completing the data analysis and write up. Together, these experiences, combined with skills acquired in their course work, equip students to undertake their Ph.D. thesis research.

I currently supervise three graduate students. I strongly encourage my own and other students to present at regional, national, and international conferences. Since coming to UNB, I have co-authored over 35 conference presentations with graduate and undergraduate students. I also regularly supervise graduate students' teaching apprenticeship requirement, and serve as a reader on Ph.D. comprehensive projects and Ph.D. thesis committees.

Let me introduce some current and former student collaborators:

Susie Murphy
Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Thesis Title: Adolescent Girls Seeking Help from Best Friends and Romantic Partners
Currently completing her predoctoral clinical internship in the Department of Clinical Health Psychology, University of Manitoba

Brad Mac Neil
Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Thesis Title: Using a Transactional Model of Psychological Stress and Coping to Understand Adolescents' Experiences of Psychologically Abusive Behaviour in their Dating Relationships
Currently collecting his thesis data

Joanne Vallely
Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Research Focus: Mothers' Socialization of Adolescents' Help-Seeking Behaviour
Currently completing coursework and research and practica requirements

Heather Sheppard
Graduated with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2006
Thesis Title: Mothers' Recognition of Problematic Situations for Early Adolescents: Predictors and Processes
Currently employed at the Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre, St. John's, NL.

Joanna Graham
Graduated with an Honours B.A. in Psychology in 2007
Thesis Title: Predictors of Adolescent Boys' Willingness to Seek Help from Peers
Currently completing her B.Ed. at the University of New Brunswick

Mary Simmering
Graduated with an Honours B.A. in Psychology in 2005
Thesis Title: Adolescents' Willingness to Seek Help from Peers and Parents
Currently completing her M.A. in Child Clinical Psychology at the University of Windsor

Shelly Matchett
Graduated with an Honours B.A. in Psychology in 2001
Thesis Title: Adolescents' Help-Seeking Behaviour and the Quality of Relationships with Parents and Peers
Completed her degree in Speech-Language Pathology at McGill University

Tanya Taylor
Graduated with an Honours B.A. in Psychology in 1999
Thesis Title: Is adolescents' participation in sport related to their psychosocial development?
Completed her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2006; currently employed as an Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa